
Monday, October 15, 2012

Apple co-founder shares some wise words: Steve Wozniak - co-founder, Apple Computers(Podcast)

According to Moneyweb CEO, Alec Hogg, when you talk about technology, the name Steve Wozniak, or Woz, is right up there with 
his co-founding partner of Apple Computer, Steve Jobs.

Woz, who is an American computer engineer and programmer, is now one of the richest individuals in the world.

The SAfm
 Market Update with Moneyweb, which is broadcast on SAfm 104-107fm, weekdays at 18:00 to 18:30, recently had a chat with the billionaire co-founder of Apple and Steve had some advice for would-be entrepreneurs.

If you're an aspiring or young entrepreneur with big dreams, this interview is for you. Take a listen

Follow Steve on Twitter @stevewoz

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